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Crump Honored At Municipal Official Reception

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Newark Council President Mildred Crump given award for exemplary leadership at Democratic Municipal Officials’ National Breakfast

Austin, TX, November 21, 2014 –

Newark City Council President Mildred Crump received the Susan Burgess Memorial Award for Exemplary Leadership at Democratic Municipal Officials’ (DMO) National Breakfast Meeting this Friday. Named in honor of the late Charlotte Mayor Pro Tem and President of DMO Susan Burgess, the award honors one member for their outstanding service to th organization.

“DMO would not be as strong as it is today without Mildred’s service and her leadership, and we thank her for carrying Susan’s torch and helping us build, as Susan called us, ‘The Mighty DMO,’” said DMO Executive Director Barbara Moore.

Held during the National League of Cities (NLC) Congress of Cities and Exposition conference in Austin, Texas, the DMO National Breakfast is a semiannual meeting of Democratic Municipal Officials, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) constituency Association for Democratic mayors, council members, and other local elected officials. Crump was presented the award by DMO President and Pinecrest Mayor Cindy Lerner. Previous winners of the Susan Burgess Award include Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker, Memphis Mayor AC Wharton, and Saint Paul Mayor Chris Coleman.

Democratic Municipal Officials (DMO) is the DNC Association for locally elected officials who personally identify as members of the Democratic Party. DMO has over 6000 members across the United States, and advocates for local Democratic officeholders and acts to move their priorities nationwide.

This November’s National Breakfast also featured the Honorable Julián Castro, who delivered the keynote Democratic Address. East Lansing Mayor Nathan Triplett received the DMO of the Year 2014 award, and Mayors William Peduto (Pittsburgh) and AC Wharton (Memphis) joined a panel discussion about governing Democratic cities in states with Republican State Legislatures, hosted by MSNBC Political Analyst Robert Traynham. David Kolbe of the Iron Workers presented the ‘Helmets to Hardhats’ program, and Comcast Executive Vice President David L. Cohen received an Outstanding Contribution Award.
