News Release

Tuesday Night Victories, and More Work Ahead

If Tuesday night was any indication, Democrats are going to have an incredible year in 2020. Democrats flipped both the Virginia State Senate and House of Delegates blue. We also won the governorship in Kentucky, with Andy Beshear beating out incumbent Matt Bevin. These wins could signal a truly massive blue wave in next year’s elections.

But our victories were not limited to the state level. Democrats took over the mayor’s office in Bloomington, MN, Davenport, IA, Wichita, KS, Edmonds, WA, and Livonia, MI. We also reelected many of our incumbent mayors, including DMO Maryland leaders Emmett Jordan and Patrick Wojahn in Greenbelt and College Park respectively, as well as DMO Council of State Chapters Chair Ian Baltutis in Burlington, NC. Maryland State Chapter Chair Denise Mitchell held her council seat in College Park, as did DMO Labor Chair Derek Green in Philadelphia. The blue wave also swept through Mike Pence’s hometown of Columbus, Indiana, which now has a 4-3 Democrat controlled city council!

DMO Blue Star Candidate Ty Stober won an overwhelming reelection to the Vancouver, WA City Council. Unfortunately Ben Stuckart did not secure victory in his Blue Star campaign for Mayor of Spokane, but it was a close race and hard fought, and we look forward to his future endeavors.

Perhaps the most significant DMO development last night occured in Savannah. Blue Star Rising Candidate Van Johnson won the most votes, and is now headed to a December 3rd runoff election against the incumbent Republican mayor. Savannah is the heart of the DMO Blue Star program. We first began reaching out to local Democrats to support their races after the Democratic Mayor of Savannah lost to a Republican in a campaign she might otherwise have won. 

We now look to Savannah Alderman and DMO National Treasurer Van Johnson II to reclaim the city. First elected in 2003, Alderman Van Johnson has proudly been representing Savannah’s 1st District for the past 16 years. He was elected by his peers to the position of Vice Chairman of the Council, and later as Mayor Pro-tem. He serves as Chairman of the Human Development Committee at the National League of Cities. Before entering government service, he worked in Savannah’s religious community, as a radio host, and as a police officer. In 2010, he was selected by the Georgia Governor Perdue and the Obama Administration to serve on the Selective Service Local Board.


Van needs your support now more than ever. If you would like to learn more about Van’s campaign please visit 


Ben Stuckart and Ty Stober Named DMO Blue Star Candidates

The Board of Directors of Democratic Municipal Officials is honored to name two Blue Star Candidates this month. We have recognized City Council President Ben Stuckart in his bid for Mayor of Spokane, and Vancouver’s Ty Stober as he seeks reelection to City Council.

Democratic Municipal Officials initiated the highly selective Blue Star Candidate program to draw national attention to local Democratic candidates, particularly when they stand to take Democratic control of a council of mayoral seat, increase or maintain diversity on a council, and protect key incumbents in swing areas. These candidates have been vetted by the DMO National Board.

Ben Stuckart currently serves as the City Council President in Spokane, Washington, and is running for mayor. Often thought of as a swing city in a red county, it is crucial that Democrats regain control of the mayor’s office in Spokane. President Stuckart is looking to address the root causes of crime and homelessness in Spokane, instead of their symptoms. He has pledged to fight federal preemption that would sap local control, and is looking to enforce current gun regulations while working to get illegal guns off the streets. If you would like to learn more about Ben, or find out how to support his race, please visit

DMO Board Member and Washington Chapter Chair Chris Roberts said of Council President Stuckart “Ben is a champion for the people of Spokane. As council president he’s led efforts to protect the environment, provide workers Safe and Sick Leave, and defended the rights of Spokane’s LGBTQ community.”

Ty Stober is seeking election to his second term on the Vancouver, Washington city council. He has fought to make Vancouver a place where young professionals are eager to call home. At the same time the city undergoes historic growth, Councilman Stober is working to ensure that Vancouver is still a city that families can afford to live in. His commitment to affordable housing and transportation ensure that all residents benefit from the city’s development. You can learn more about Ty and how to support his race at

Election day for both candidates is November 5th, so reach out now if you want to lend your support to these members of the DMO community!


National organization of local officials urges fair and swift negotiations to end UAW strike

Press Release

Contact:  Nils Robbins, Director of Communications and Operations               

Phone:  202.770.8053 




National organization of local officials urges fair and swift negotiations to end UAW strike

DETROIT – Democratic Municipal Officials (DMO) today urged the negotiators of the United Auto Workers (UAW) and General Motors (GM) to end the strike and swiftly accept a contact that is fair, reasonable, and puts working families first. Some 46,000 UAW members went on strike at midnight last night, leaving the assembly lines at 31 GM factories and 21 other facilities in nine states, and beginning one of the largest strikes of any union in over 12 years.

“We need a quick resolution that puts people back to work. Fair pay, job security, and affordable healthcare seem to be a reasonable exchange for a company that made over $4 billion in profits last year. I am hopeful we can get back to doing what we do best in Detroit, making quality American cars,” said DMO President and Detroit City Council Member Scott Benson.

In 2008, GM received a $50 billion taxpayer bailout, but in the last year has threatened to close down four of its plants. UAW leaders have pointed out that their members have stuck with GM through good times and bad.

As the largest constituency organization of the Democratic National Committee, DMO has always been a strong supporter of union members and the workplace safety standards they have won for every worker. DMO understands that strong unions mean good jobs and better communities. Studies have shown those covered under a union contract narrow the wealth gap because union members generally have higher wages, more job stability, and better benefits. 

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Democratic Municipal Officials is the national association for America’s mayors, city council members and other elected municipal leaders who subscribe to the values of the Democratic Party. They represent over 40,000 elected officials in the United States and have an active membership of 6,000. DMO is a constituency organization of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) but operates as a separate, independent, 527 non-federal, non-profit political organization.

Happy Labor Day from DMO’s Labor Council

We couldn’t begin Labor Day weekend without a nod to our union sisters and brothers.

The Carpenters and Machinists unions were the first to start celebrating Labor Day.

Before Labor Day was celebrated in the 1880s, a typical work week included all seven days. Workers likely put in 12-hour days and some were as young as five-years-old. Bosses locked workers inside their workplaces so they would not take unauthorized breaks. Working conditions were incredibly dangerous and there was no such thing as a minimum wage. But thankfully courageous workers rallied, organized, and at times, went on strike. In extreme cases, it cost lives to pave the way for benefits we often take for granted today.

It’s worth remembering their sacrifices, because as city leaders we know good jobs mean better communities. Studies have shown that those covered under a union contract narrow the wealth gap because union members generally have higher wages, more job stability, and better benefits.

Organizing works! It’s not only good policy, it’s what people want. Unions are not only working for people on payday. We have seen them help build our communities, as when the NEA and AFT demanded more school counselors and nurses for our students, rallied for immigrant families and called for student loan forgiveness policies. They mobilized when the Ironworkers, IUPATSMART, and the Carpenter’s Union worked with the other the building trade unions to call on DMO and so many others to keep apprenticeship programs intact and prevent them from lowering standards in the construction industry. AFSCME continues to protect public service workers through their advocacy of the The Public Service Freedom to Negotiate Act.

Whether at our roundtables, at rallies, or in refusing to cross a picket line, DMO continues to connect and engage our union partners in meaningful lines of communication. Our work continues.

Unions remain an effective vehicle for our communities to provide a pathway to the middle class. DMO’s Labor Council serves as the bridge between our Democratic leaders and unions to keep that vehicle running powerfully, effectively, and inclusively. If you want to learn more about the work of DMO’s Labor Council contact Christine Senteno at

As I proudly participate in Philadelphia’s Labor Day parade on Monday, I’ll be remembering those workers who sacrificed so much. From the countless workers who gave us the benefits we have today, to AFSCME’s sanitation workers whose fight led to a civil rights movement, to the workers who continue to mobilize today, I remain committed to the legacy of 32BJ’s Hector Figueroa who reminded us about Labor and our Democratic values: “We can build a lasting movement that will reduce income inequality, create a country that is fair for all and kick the hatemongers out of office.”

Happy Labor Day,

Derek Green
DMO Labor Chair
Philadelphia At-Large City Council Member

Democratic Municipal Officials Names Van Johnson Blue Star Candidate

The Board of Directors of Democratic Municipal Officials is honored to name Alderman Van Johnson II a Blue Star Candidate as he seeks the mayor’s office of Savannah, Georgia. We know him to be a strong advocate for Savannah, who will continue the story of Democrats taking back our cities from Republicans backed by strong outside funding.

Alderman Johnson, who joined the DMO National Board of Directors in 2014 and went on to lead as our organization’s Treasurer, replied to the news of the endorsement.

I am overwhelmed and humbled to receive the endorsement of the Democratic Municipal Officials (DMO) as the latest “Blue Star Rising” candidate in my bid to become the next Mayor of the City Of Savannah, GA.

I am committed to creating strategic partnerships to improve public safety, reduce poverty, increase affordable housing and decrease homelessness in Georgia’s First City and receiving the endorsement of my Democratic colleagues from across the country, who are doing awesome things in their own communities, only solidifies my resolve to be successful on November 5th.”

First elected in 2003, Alderman Van Johnson has proudly been representing Savannah’s 1st District for the past 16 years. He was elected by his peers to the position of Vice Chairman of the Council, and later as Mayor Pro-tem. He serves as Chairman of the Human Development Committee at the National League of Cities. Before entering government service, he worked in Savannah’s religious community, as a radio host, and as a police officer. Alderman Johnson also gives back as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chatham County Department of Family and Children Services, President of the Board of the Wesley Community Centers, Founding President of the Savannah Metropolitan Chapter of the National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA), and presently serves on the 200 Club and Savannah Regional Youth Detention Center Advisory Board. In 2010, he was selected by the Georgia Governor Perdue and the Obama Administration to serve on the Selective Service Local Board. This wide cross section of community engagement bodes well for his future work on behalf of the people of Savannah.

Democratic Municipal Officials initiated the highly selective Blue Star Candidate program to draw national attention to local Democratic candidates, in particular when such an election would shift a mayor’s seat or council majority from red to blue. These candidates have been vetted and recommended by the DMO National Board.

If you would like to learn more about Van’s campaign please visit

Alderman Van Johnson II Named DMO Blue Star Candidate

The Board of Directors of Democratic Municipal Officials is honored to name Alderman Van Johnson II a Blue Star Candidate as he seeks the mayor’s office of Savannah, Georgia. We know him to be a strong advocate for Savannah, who will continue the story of Democrats taking back our cities from Republicans backed by strong outside funding.

Alderman Johnson, who joined the DMO National Board of Directors in 2014 and went on to lead as our organization’s Treasurer, replied to the news of the endorsement.

I am overwhelmed and humbled to receive the endorsement of the Democratic Municipal Officials (DMO) as the latest “Blue Star Rising” candidate in my bid to become the next Mayor of the City Of Savannah, GA.

I am committed to creating strategic partnerships to improve public safety, reduce poverty, increase affordable housing and decrease homelessness in Georgia’s First City and receiving the endorsement of my Democratic colleagues from across the country, who are doing awesome things in their own communities, only solidifies my resolve to be successful on November 5th.”

First elected in 2003, Alderman Van Johnson has proudly been representing Savannah’s 1st District for the past 16 years. He was elected by his peers to the position of Vice Chairman of the Council, and later as Mayor Pro-tem. He serves as Chairman of the Human Development Committee at the National League of Cities. Before entering government service, he worked in Savannah’s religious community, as a radio host, and as a police officer. Alderman Johnson also gives back as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Chatham County Department of Family and Children Services, President of the Board of the Wesley Community Centers, Founding President of the Savannah Metropolitan Chapter of the National Forum for Black Public Administrators (NFBPA), and presently serves on the 200 Club and Savannah Regional Youth Detention Center Advisory Board. In 2010, he was selected by the Georgia Governor Perdue and the Obama Administration to serve on the Selective Service Local Board. This wide cross section of community engagement bodes well for his future work on behalf of the people of Savannah.

Democratic Municipal Officials initiated the highly selective Blue Star Candidate program to draw national attention to local Democratic candidates, in particular when such an election would shift a mayor’s seat or council majority from red to blue. These candidates have been vetted and recommended by the DMO National Board.

If you would like to learn more about Van’s campaign please visit 


Scott Benson
Council Member, Detroit
President, Democratic Municipal Officials

Democratic Municipal Officials Names Mike Suarez Blue Star Rising Recipient

The Board of Directors of Democratic Municipal Officials is honored to name Councilman Mike Suarez a Blue Star Rising Candidate as he seeks the mayor’s office of the great city of Tampa, Florida. We know him to be a fierce leader who embodies Democratic values and a motivation to improve the well being of every resident of his city.

The Blue Star Rising program is available for local officials who have demonstrated a commitment to DMO and are now running to make a difference at a wider office. DMO connects Blue Star Rising candidates with a network of mentorship and fundraising resources, strengthening their campaigns and giving them a leg up after inauguration day. DMO will also use the Blue Star programs to inform our members how to support a rising peer.

Councilman Suarez has the local experience and national profile to ensure that the people of Tampa receive the services they need and the attention they deserve. He believes that “Every Neighborhood is Tampa” and all areas of the city deserve equal focus and resources.

The Bill of Rights for Tampa that Councilman Suarez has laid out will ensure the people of Tampa receive the services they need, and guarantee that the city is open and transparent. You can learn more about his platform at

Councilman Suarez has been a dedicated leader of DMO for most of his tenure on the Tampa City Council. He has led our organization as the Chair of DMO’s Florida Chapter, a member of our Board of Directors, Finance Chair, and as National President.

DMO’s Board has seen Councilman Suarez’s hard work for the people of Tampa in person. When he hosted our national Board Retreat in Tampa in 2017, Hurricane Rita was barreling towards Florida. Councilman Suarez remained calm under pressure, directing city services to take the appropriate steps to protect his constituents. This resolve and responsiveness shows that Councilman Suarez will be ready to lead Tampa on the day he takes the oath of office.

If you would like to learn more about Mike’s campaign please visit


Scott Benson
Council Member, Detroit
President, Democratic Municipal Officials

Democratic Municipal Officials Names Dan Besse First Blue Star Rising Recipient

The Democratic Municipal Officials (DMO) serves to connect, engage, and empower elected officials who identify as Democrats across the US. To better fulfill that mission we initiated our Blue Star Candidate program, strengthening our membership by drawing national attention to local Democratic candidates. These candidates have been vetted and recommended by their DMO State Chapter, and their election may swing a city council or mayor’s office from red to blue.

To further share the story of municipal Democrats, we are announcing the Blue Star Rising program for local officials who have demonstrated a commitment to the organization and are now running to make a difference at the state or federal level. DMO connects Blue Star Rising candidates with a network of mentorship and fundraising resources, strengthening their campaigns and giving them a leg up after inauguration day. DMO will also use the Blue Star programs to inform our members how to support a rising peer.

Our first Blue Star Rising recipient is DMO’s own Dan Besse. Dan is a former DMO Board Member and currently serves part time as DMO’s Labor and Intergovernmental Affairs Adviser. He has also served as Council Member to Winston-Salem’s Southwest Ward since 2001, and is now running for North Carolina House District 75.

Dan comes highly qualified as a public interest advocate and a champion for affordable healthcare, strong neighborhoods, good public schools, first-rate police and fire protection, public transportation options, equal opportunity for all, affordable housing, and building a welcoming community for everyone.

House District 75 presents a real opportunity to flip a red district blue, and give constituents the responsive representation provided by Dan Besse.

Election Day is just around the corner, so every effort matters in the race to elect Dan Besse the next State Representative of North Carolina House District 75.

You can learn more about Dan, make a contribution, and keep up with news from the campaign trail on his website.

Democratic Municipal Officials Names Frederick Alderman Michael O’Connor A Blue Star Candidate

The National Board of Directors of Democratic Municipal Officials (DMO) has endorsed Frederick Alderman Michael O’Connor in his bid for Mayor against a Republican incumbent.

O’Connor’s nearly 30 years of civic, business, media, and non-profit leadership, including 8 years as Alderman, uniquely qualifies him to serve as Mayor of Frederick, Maryland.

DMO Executive Director Barbara Moore echoed the Board’s support of O’Connor. “Alderman O’Connor exhibits the innovative, hardworking leadership that our cities need and Democrats provide. We need more committed local officials like Michael to replace conservatives who are not responding to the changing needs of our cities in the 21st Century.”

O’Connor was first elected to the Board of Alderman in 2009. He has been the chair of the Streets and Sanitation Committee, and the aldermanic liaison to the Historic Preservation Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission. Michael is a member of the Community Action Agency, Celebrate Frederick, and Delaplaine Visual Arts and Education Center Boards. He also represented the Aldermen on the Blight and Vacant Property Task Force.

The DMO serves to connect, engage and empower elected officials across the US who identify as Democrats. In support of that mission, DMO initiated the highly selective Blue Star Candidate program to draw national attention to local Democratic candidates, in particular when such an election would shift a mayor’s seat or council majority from red to blue. These candidates have been vetted and recommended by the DMO National Board.


To learn more about Michael, visit

Democratic Municipal Officials Names Morrisville Council Member TJ Cawley A Blue Star Candidate

The National Board of Directors of Democratic Municipal Officials (DMO) has endorsed Morrisville Council Member TJ Cawley in his bid for Mayor against a Republican incumbent.

Cawley’s vision for Morrisville includes high quality neighborhood schools for all students, multi-modal transportation options, free municipal Wi-Fi, and a dedication to green energy and environmental stewardship.

DMO President and Los Angeles Councilman Joe Buscaino joined DMO in supporting Cawley. “Council Member Cawley is the kind of inclusive and forward thinking official who represents the next generation of Democratic leadership. We need more committed council members like him running to replace out of touch and unresponsive Republican incumbents.”

Councilman Cawley was recently part of the team of National League of Cities members who educated Congress about the importance of protecting state and local tax deductions in upcoming tax reform discussions. Cawley also shared examples of how Community Development Block Grants and other federal programs are essential for providing critical services to citizens in communities of all sizes, including Morrisville.

“I am proud to be part of the team of strong local leaders tackling the tough issues that our nation faces every day, and meeting with federal decision makers to make the case that we’re ready to partner with Congress to continue strengthening our communities. North Carolina now has a seat at the table, and the National League of Cities is a well respected advocate for towns like Morrisville,” Cawley said. “I will continue to partner with other municipal leaders from across the nation on behalf of the citizens of Morrisville and the entire state of North Carolina.”

TJ Cawley currently serves on several local, regional and national organizations, including:

North Carolina League of Municipalities Planning and Environment Legislative Action Committee
National League of Cities’ Energy, Environmental and Natural Resources Federal Advocacy Committee
Local Government Federal Credit Union Wake Advisory Council
WakeUP Wake County Transportation Land Use & Housing Committee
Triangle J Council of Governments Water Resources Collaborative Co-Chair
Triangle J Council of Governments Smart Growth Committee
Board of Directors of Youth Thrive, a Wake County collaborative for people and organizations who serve youth

The DMO serves to connect, engage and empower elected officials across the US who identify as Democrats. In support of that mission, DMO initiated the highly selective Blue Star Candidate program to draw national attention to local Democratic candidates, in particular when such an election would shift a mayor’s seat or council majority from red to blue. These candidates have been vetted and recommended by the DMO national board.


To learn more about TJ, visit