Local Leaders Across the Country Represent the First Line of Defense in Combating Gun Violence.

DMO recognizes the need to address the gun violence epidemic in America. To do that, DMO has endorsed a number of policies to help curb the violence impacting every American community. 

DMO-Endorsed Solutions

Gun Tracking Ordinance

This ordinance establishes an annual report that includes information on every firearm seized or surrendered and obtained by the police department. The report also gathers information about how firearms are illegally brought into the city. Passing this ordinance helps your city and national policy makers collect data on the bad actors in the firearm community.

Gun Dealer Posting Ordinance

This ordinance requires firearm dealers to post a clear warning sign that is visible to all potential purchasers. The sign warns about the risk of having a firearm in the home, such as the increased rate of suicide and unintentional deaths. The effectiveness of point-of-sale warnings has been seen in tobacco sales – when warnings are posted about the dangers of smoking, customers are more likely to consider quitting. This ordinance is intended to educate individuals on the dangers of firearms and prompt them to think twice about whether or not a firearm in their home makes them safer.