Democratic Municipal Officials Digest
Week of 8/15/2022
DMO Update
Skilled Union Labor Rules Assure Quality Construction – Read the Op Ed from DMO Board Member and Glendale, WI Mayor Bryan Kennedy
Get your council involved with DMO –
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Ideas for Cities
Messaging –Taxes and the Inflation Reduction Act
- Not one middle class person filling out their taxes will find that they are facing higher taxes or higher tax rates because of the corporate minimum tax. It’s that simple.
- The only people who have proposed raising taxes on Americans earning under $400,000 are Senate Republicans with an agenda put forward by Senator Rick Scott.
- The analysis has been clear: the corporate minimum tax will only raise taxes on 150 corporations earning more than $1 billion in profits who pay less than 15% in taxes.
- Steve Rosenthal, Tax Policy Center: “If you’re not a tax cheat, hedge fund manager or a corporation making over $1 billion, you’re not affected.”
News for Democrats
Pic of the Week
The new signage set to be displayed in front of all Albany County gun stores.