Democratic Municipal Officials Digest
Week of 7/6/2020
DMO Update
Dan Besse and Melissa Fox have been named DMO Blue Star Rising candidates.
Happy Municipal Monday! Start the week off right by taking these three actions.
- Time to build the movement for water security. Publish this sample op-ed in your local paper.
Quick Links
- MLK Had a Dream of Guaranteed Income. As Mayors of 11 U.S. Cities, We Are Bringing That Dream to Life – Learn more about Mayors for a Guaranteed Income
- Evictions are likely to skyrocket this summer as jobs remain scarce. Black renters will be hard hit.
Ideas for Cities
- Gun Violence and the Police – New recommendations from Mayors Against Illegal Guns
News for Democrats
- Share your personal story or platform ideas with the Democratic National Convention
DMO Political Council Advice
Sangeeth Peruri of OutreachCircle
As a remote first company, OutreachCircle has experience with virtual organizing. Clients have used our affinity peer-to-peer texting and Supporter Action Hub to coordinate volunteers and run virtual trainings and canvassing programs, and our relational organizing tools make it easy to use proven GOTV tactics like vote tripling. Published research on the effect of relational organizing on down ballot elections has shown up to a 20% impact on turnout.
We’ve compiled tips and advice for how to successfully organize while social distancing with OutreachCircle on our website, and we’ve also recorded a webinar on relational organizing’s effect on down ballot races that can be viewed on YouTube.