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Democratic Municipal Officials Names Frederick Alderman Michael O’Connor A Blue Star Candidate

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The National Board of Directors of Democratic Municipal Officials (DMO) has endorsed Frederick Alderman Michael O’Connor in his bid for Mayor against a Republican incumbent.

O’Connor’s nearly 30 years of civic, business, media, and non-profit leadership, including 8 years as Alderman, uniquely qualifies him to serve as Mayor of Frederick, Maryland.

DMO Executive Director Barbara Moore echoed the Board’s support of O’Connor. “Alderman O’Connor exhibits the innovative, hardworking leadership that our cities need and Democrats provide. We need more committed local officials like Michael to replace conservatives who are not responding to the changing needs of our cities in the 21st Century.”

O’Connor was first elected to the Board of Alderman in 2009. He has been the chair of the Streets and Sanitation Committee, and the aldermanic liaison to the Historic Preservation Commission and the Parks and Recreation Commission. Michael is a member of the Community Action Agency, Celebrate Frederick, and Delaplaine Visual Arts and Education Center Boards. He also represented the Aldermen on the Blight and Vacant Property Task Force.

The DMO serves to connect, engage and empower elected officials across the US who identify as Democrats. In support of that mission, DMO initiated the highly selective Blue Star Candidate program to draw national attention to local Democratic candidates, in particular when such an election would shift a mayor’s seat or council majority from red to blue. These candidates have been vetted and recommended by the DMO National Board.


To learn more about Michael, visit