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DMO Resolution Supporting the LGBT Community and Celebrating Pride Month 2021

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DMO Resolution Supporting the LGBT Community and Celebrating Pride Month 2021

WHEREAS, the 2015 Obergefell v Hodges Supreme Court decision to legalize gay marriage was a baseline for LGBT rights and not a finish line; and

WHEREAS, municipalities have often led on LGBT rights, including the prohibition of so called “conversion therapy” and establishment of anti-discrimination ordinances; and

WHEREAS, in 2017 the City of Philadelphia unveiled a new pride flag to recognize LGBT people of color, who often face unique perils as marginalized people; and

WHEREAS, the Human Rights Campaign publishes an annual Municipal Equality Index to further the work of local government in securing LGBT rights; and

WHEREAS, the first Pride was a reaction against police violence, and the LGBT community still faces heightened risk of discrimination from law enforcement and the legal system; and

WHEREAS, the “gay panic” defense for murder is still legal in 38 states; and

WHEREAS, state legislatures have introduced more than 100 anti-trans bills in 2021 alone; and

WHEREAS, these bills include bans from youth sports, prohibit using gender affirming facilities, and enact a duty for teachers to report instances of gender non-conformity, and

WHEREAS, more than half of trans teens report seriously considering suicide, and

WHEREAS, gender affirming care for trans youth dramatically reduces the risk of suicide, and

WHEREAS, the medical establishment’s consensus is that trans youth should receive gender affirming care;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, Democratic Municipal Officials celebrates Pride Month 2021, acknowledges the work municipalities have achieved in furthering LGBT rights, and recognizes the important work that still needs to be done.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, municipalities should ban the harmful practice of so called “conversion therapy”.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, wherever possible, municipalities should pass legislation promoting gender affirming care and enable trans youth to use the spaces that correspond to their identity.