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Democratic Municipal Officials Digest
Week of 7/27/2020


DMO Update

  • We hope you enjoyed our Municipal Mondays call with Tom Perez. You can still share your story for the Convention, and DMO members may register events outside of the DNC official programming by completing the Virtual Events Calendar Form by Friday, July 31, 2020, at 5:00 PM CST.

Quick Links

Ideas for Cities

Messaging – Campaign Messaging with Vic Fingerhut

  • Despite COVID and the George Floyd tragedy, traditional views of the strengths and weaknesses of the two parties (remarkably) persist in the attitudes and political perceptions of the critical swing electorate.
  • Healthcare, framed correctly, still has a powerful pro-Democratic valence — as it did in 2018…and as it has for years.
  • “Managing the economy” and “managing the economic recovery” (framed in these macro management terms) do not work.

Advisory Board Updates

News for Democrats 


Pic of the Week

A Portland protester being detained by an anonymous federal agent who has no military or law enforcement designation.